"Shin Splints: The Real Deal and How to Get Rid of Them"


Shin splints are a common type of injury that can be caused by overuse and manifest themselves as pain in the front of the lower leg. The muscles, tendons, and bones in the lower leg are commonly affected when this condition develops as a result of repetitive stress.

Shin Splints Are Caused by the Following:


Repetitive actions that put stress on the lower leg, such as jogging, leaping, or playing sports, can develop shin splints. Some of these activities include:

Poor Footwear:

Increasing the likelihood of acquiring shin splints is doing so by wearing shoes that are either worn out or inadequate.

Flat Feet or High Arches:

Structural abnormalities with the feet, such as flat feet or high arches, can also impose additional stress on the legs and lead to shin splints.

The sharp rise in the amount of time spent being physically active: Increasing the amount of time spent being physically active too rapidly can place additional stress on the lower legs, which can lead to shin splints.

Shin Splints Can Be Treated by the Following:

Rest is an essential component of the treatment and healing process for shin splints. Taking a break from activities that aggravate the condition is recommended.

Putting ice on the injured region will help reduce swelling as well as the pain associated with it.

OTC anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, as well as prescription anti-inflammatory medications, can assist in the reduction of pain and swelling.

Exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the lower leg can help prevent and treat shin splints. Specific exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles and tendons in the lower leg can help.

Shin Splints Exercises Consist of the Following:

Calf stretch: While standing facing a wall, step one foot behind the other and lean forward until you feel a stretch in your calves. After holding this position for 15 to 30 seconds, switch legs and do it again.

Toe raises are performed by first standing with your feet about hip-width apart, then rising onto your toes, balancing there for a few seconds, and finally lowering yourself back down to the starting position.

Heel drops are performed by standing on a step or ledge with the ball of one foot dangling off, lowering the heel of the standing foot as far as it will go, and then raising it back up to its starting position. Continue in this manner for ten to fifteen reps on each foot.

Write the letters of the alphabet with your foot, tracing each letter in the air as you go. This is called the "ankle alphabet."

Foam rolling: Massage the muscles in your lower thigh with a foam roller to assist relieve tension and increase your flexibility.

It is essential to keep in mind that you should gradually perform these exercises, ensuring that your form is correct at all times and under the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner. Stop doing any of these exercises as soon as possible and make an appointment with a doctor if you start to feel any kind of pain.


Shin splints are a common type of injury caused by overuse and manifest themselves as pain along the front of the lower leg. LegFlex has multiple calf stretch board benefits by implying 3 minutes a day on the slant board gives you relief from extensive calf pain.


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